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10 Things to Know About a Whole House Humidifier

Family sitting on a couchDoes your house become drier as the temperature outside becomes colder? This is normal, and there is an easy and fairly inexpensive solution.

Indoor air quality is important for comfort and health reasons. Living with very dry air can irritate asthma and allergy symptoms and lead to dry noses, sore throats, and other health concerns. You can replace the moisture in the air by adding a whole-house humidifier to your home.

Here Are 10 Quick Facts You Should Know About Whole-House Humidifiers…

  1. Humidifiers are used in the winter during the heating season. They add moisture into the air when the heating system runs.
  2. A whole-house humidifier can be installed directly into any HVAC system and are reasonably priced – normally in the $600-to-$800 range installed. Whole-house humidifiers can be installed in either a new or existing HVAC system.
  3. The level of humidity in your home is monitored and controlled through the thermostat, just like the temperature. A whole-house humidifier allows an even level of moisture to be released into your house all year long. This is important in the winter months when the air is already less humid and your furnace, heat pump or fireplace removes additional moisture during the heating process.
  4. Installing a whole-house humidifier can help you feel warmer at lower temperatures.
  5. People who suffer from dry skin, dry mouth, nose bleeds, and allergies will benefit from a higher humidity level.
  6. Many viruses thrive in low-humidity environments and living in an overly dry environment can make people prone to infection. Putting humidity back into your home can reduce the number of health concerns.
  7. A very humid day with an outside temperature of 90 degrees feels hotter than a 90-degree day with very low humidity. The same is true in the winter – humidity in the air makes it feel warmer.
  8. A home with a 40 percent humidity level at 70 degrees will feel warmer and be more comfortable than 70 degrees and low humidity. This will allow you to keep the home at a lower temperature and save on utility bills.
  9. Wood is sensitive to humidity. Homes with natural wood floors, cabinets, and trim will benefit in having consistent humidity – it can help prevent the wood from “drying out” in the winter, which causes gaps in the floor or trim.
  10. Dry air can damage many things in a home, including wood floors, plaster, paint, furniture, artwork, electronics, and musical instruments. The proper amount of humidity can protect your home and your belongings from the adverse effects of dry air.
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