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Don’t Let a Clogged Drain Ruin Your Day

man inspecting a flooded basement After 60 years of referring this request to other companies that specialized in the service, Korrect started its own drain cleaning division in 2010.

“Over time, the number of calls from new and existing customers requesting drain cleaning service increased to an amount that we couldn’t ignore,” said Nathan Patterson of Korrect Plumbing, Heating, and Air. “It became a great opportunity to serve those customers in a new capacity. Our reputation for providing quality work, treating our customers fairly, and employing great people were huge factors that increased the number of calls we received.”

Patterson said that the drain cleaning industry had received a bad reputation from companies that were using dishonest tactics to sell services and repairs which were overpriced or not needed at all. Many times, Korrect received “the second opinion” calls from people who wanted an honest solution for problems they were experiencing with their drains.

Korrect hired one experienced drain technician to handle the calls they were receiving, and that became the foundation for its cleaning division. Over the last five years, the company has grown the division to employ five full-time technicians, and they have added video inspections and hydro flushing (or jetting) to the services they offer.

“It has been exciting to hear the rave reviews from our customers about their experiences with our drain cleaners,” Patterson said.

Plumbing systems in every home develop clogs, and there is no way to steer clear of them. Without the proper knowledge, cleaning a drain in your home can be an aggravating experience. There are simple steps you can take to rid your home of these clogs, and the first step would be to seek advice from an experienced drain technician.

Don’t let a clogged drain ruin your day — Korrect can make sure all your drains and pipes are clean and functioning correctly. Give us a call at (937) 837-2333 to schedule a visit with one of our technicians.

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