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What to Know About a Whole House Filtration System

Little girl drinking water from a glassAre you concerned about what might be in your water? Are you interested in having purer water throughout your home? If you don’t like the taste or smell of your water, it may be time to look into installing a whole house filtration system.

But, how do you know what type of system works best in your home? You might want to first find out what contaminants are in your water by requesting a water quality report from the local water utility/authority. Water from a municipal source is normally treated, but it can still contain contaminants, and a whole house filtration system can provide extra protection. If you have a private well, have your water tested.

When considering a water filtration system, know that not all filters reduce all contaminants. Once you have a water report in hand, you can determine what contaminants should be reduced in your drinking water.

RELATED: Should I get a water softener for my house?

What Is a Whole House Filtration System?

This system connects to the main water line and filters all the water in your home dispensed through faucets, toilets, showers, baths and etc. A water softener removes calcium and therefore hardness from your water and replaces it with salt, while a high-quality water filter does more than just soften your water. It removes calcium, along with other contaminants. Benefits of this type of system include:

  • Healthier drinking water for everyone in the family
  • Cleaner water for showers and baths throughout your home
  • Removing chlorine from the water used in dishwashing reduces soap scum
  • Helps extend the life of appliances that use water
  • Softened water allows for healthier skin and hair and brighter clothing

RELATED:  Hard water – the causes and consequences

How Do I Know What Type of Filter I Need?

The type of filter depends on what contaminants are in your water. Determine what you need to remove from the water. Typical contaminants of municipal city water supply include chlorine, chemicals, sediment and hardness minerals. Private wells can contain sediment, iron and hardness minerals. If you decide to install a whole house filtration system, consider the flow rate, filter size, and the port size. Do your research on each of these before making a purchase.

The flow rate depends on the size of your house and family. Flow rate requirements should be anywhere from 15 to 40 gallons per minute. The filter size depends on how much sediment and other contaminants you have in your water. It’s important to have a quality filter for the system. The port size for a whole house water filtration system should be at least one inch. Most homeowners will experience few pressure drops in filtering systems with a one-inch port and 4.5″ x 20″ filter.

Installing a whole house water filtration system can lead to a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. Due to the plumbing connections involved, the installation of a filtration system can be a challenge for many homeowners, so it’s always best to consult a professional.

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