Korrect Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

I Dropped My Wedding Ring Down the Sink – Now What?

water running down the sink drain

There are many small items that can easily be dropped down a sink bathroom. Among those items can be a wedding ring, other valuable pieces of jewelry, children’s toys, toothpaste caps, coins and more. It can happen to anyone. But don’t panic – items that accidentally fall down a sink can be recovered with a […]

Broken Pipes and Flooded Homes: When Your Insurance Might Not Cover the Damage

cracked wall revealing pipes

Is everything in your house covered by your homeowner’s insurance? You might want to make sure that busted pipes and the resultant flood damage are written into your policy – because water damage can be costly. Some companies charge extra for flood and water insurance. Broken or bulging pipes may not be noticeable and not […]

How to Maintain Your Septic Tank

Mom, Dad, and two children laying in the grass

Inspections and maintenance are done on other systems in your home, but have you thought about the upkeep of the septic tank? Septic system maintenance is very important, however, it’s not complicated and it doesn’t need to be expensive. There are a few key factors to consider when doing maintenance on a septic system: A […]

How to Lower Humidity in Your Home

person fixing the window

Ah, summer in Ohio – the days are sunny, pleasant and hot…but there are times the pervasive humidity can leave you feeling a bit like steamed broccoli. The high humidity also can become a problem by making it feel warmer inside your home. Working to achieve lower humidity in your home can benefit you and […]

10 Kitchen Tips for Lowering Your Energy Bills This Summer

person grilling steak and sausages

Doing everything you can to stay cool on these hot summer days means taking a good look at your kitchen. Many kitchen appliances give off a lot of heat, especially the oven. Using fewer appliances during the hot summer days can lower your energy bill and save money in the process. What do you do […]

How to Fight Mold and Mildew in the Bathroom

Woman cleaning the glass on her shower walls

Where there are moisture, mold, and mildew will find it. Mold and mildew are types of fungi that are commonly found throughout our homes. They love moist environments and have a tendency to find every leak in your home before you do. If left unattended, these growths could become harmful to your family. Mold has […]

Why Is My Air Conditioning Unit Blowing Hot Air?

Air conditioning unit outside a house

When summer temperatures reach their peak heat, you want to make sure that your air conditioning unit is performing at its best. If there is warm or hot air coming from your unit, it might be time to call in a professional. However, there are a few things you can check first. Most air conditioning […]

10 Things to Do at Home Before Leaving on Your Summer Vacation

Little girl and a white lab sitting in the trunk of a car

Planning for your family’s annual summer vacation? Besides remembering what to pack, there are some things you should check in your home before you leave. A lot can happen while you’re away, from power surges to leaks, so it’s important to establish a checklist a few weeks before leaving to prepare the house for your […]

Do I Need a Sprinkler System for My Lawn?

child running in grass through a sprinkler

Depending on what day it is in Ohio, a sprinkler system could be the answer for a sick, dry lawn. While Ohio weather is unpredictable, sprinkler systems usually are not. But before going out and purchasing a new sprinkler system, weigh the pros and cons of having one… Pros of having a sprinkler system: Cons […]